Congratulations! You are in the top 96th percentile of all applicants!

Here are some things your answers told us about you:

-You have found it unwise to be too frank in revealing yourself to others.
-Some of your aspirations tend to be pretty unrealistic.
-Security is one of your major goals in life.
-Most of the time you are positive and cheerful, but there has been a time in the pţ̷̛͡i̵̵̛c̴̛͞è̸ ̵̸̨̡͡t̸h̵̴͠͝a͢҉̷t͏̷͏̶ ̷͟t̵̨͝h͝͡͠e̴̸̛͢r̶͢ę̛́͝'͜͞͠s̴̡̧̀ ̶̢̡͠͠ ́́͢l̵҉̸͢á̷̸̀̕r̶͡g̸͝e̛͟͝҉̴ ̷̧r͟҉̶̀͘è̴̷̢d̵̢̕ ≮s͡yn̡t̸ax̨ ͝e͝ŕr̛o̴r:̶ u͜n̷ex͘p͘e̴ct̵ed fo͢r͟ma̧ti̶ng͞>


Aptitude Quotient: 127