Welcome to a near-future Earth, and travel down to The Seneca Society — a secret, techno-advanced, subterranean world where there is so much more going on than what’s below the surface. Yes, this is a classic adventure tale— fun to read and lose yourself in, like any great book. But then, let yourself go beyond the pages of the book.
You’ll move among the story’s characters; learn their secrets; watch them plot; help them solve puzzles; dabble in real, emerging technologies; sneak in back doors and go off-road across a series of digital platforms that will enhance your reading experience and take the Seneca quest to the next level.
Will you identify with Doro, the teenaged math whiz and computer coder who’s determined to put her supercharged skills to best use no matter who wants to stop her? Or with Dom, the biotech teen genius who discovers that The Seneca Society may not be the utopia he thought it was? Or with Timothy Reba, a high schooler gifted with hyper-intuition and a big heart? Head through this rabbit hole, let your senses and awareness be heightened, your curiosity be piqued and your desire to fight for an optimistic future boom through!
What if your one chance to change the world means you have to leave everything you love behind?
In the not-too-distant future, math genius Doro Campbell is introduced to the Seneca Society: a secretive, technologically-advanced subterranean utopia dedicated to inventing and perfecting the most effective ways to benefit our planet.
But there’s a hitch. Like all that have come before her, Doro is given the ultimatum: Stay in Seneca forever, or leave now with no memory of the place, its goals, and its inhabitants.
She stays.
Her ideals are shattered when, together with biotechnology whiz, Dominic Ambrosia, Doro uncovers profound deceptions beneath the surface of this all too-perfect community.
Will one teenage girl have what it takes to go up against swarms of drones, psychological manipulation and biological attacks, to uncover the truth and change the trajectory of the world?
By Rayya Deeb
If you knew that creating singularity between your mind and machine would open Pandora’s Box would you do it?
Not even teen math-genius, Doro Campbell, could have known what she was getting herself into when she made the choice to get an implant connecting her brain to her computer. But when she finds her own existence at the center of a fight for power that runs deep inside the near-future, secret society that is Seneca, Doro realizes her mind may no longer be under her own jurisdiction.
In this breakneck race to find her dad and save the planet, Doro must choose between trusting her inner self or technology. Amidst the perils of a brutal technological warfare, and navigating the ups and downs of her first love, can Doro find the way to save herself… and the fate of the world?
By Rayya Deeb
Spoiler Alert: The following description contains details that may reveal key developments from the previous books.
The Seneca Society was meant to be a utopia—an underground civilization where the greatest minds shaped the future of humanity. But Doro Campbell has learned the truth: Seneca is not just advancing human progress—it is redefining human existence. At the heart of this transformation lies Doromium, a rare element with the power to restore Earth’s collapsing ecosystem. As plans for a Mars migration initiative gain momentum, Doro begins to suspect that the planet’s future has already been decided—without humanity’s consent. Meanwhile, the synthetic cloud intelligence that powers Seneca is evolving, predicting and reshaping reality in ways even its creators can’t control.
With her own consciousness now fully integrated into the system, Doro must navigate a world where thought itself is no longer private. To escape the network, to expose the truth about Doromium’s real purpose, and to challenge the push toward planetary exodus, she must do the impossible: outmaneuver an intelligence that has already anticipated her every move.
By Rayya Deeb
ANIKA CLARK // Dom’s family friend who lives off-the-grid in the Aboves with a secret hack medicine chamber from which she once practiced the outlawed medicine.
BECKY HUDSON // MEDIA // B3 Media’s crowd pleasing, girl-next-door newscaster.
BRITTANY GILROY // SERC // TRAVERSE+ // A highly genuine overachiever. She wants to please everyone and do well in every way she can. Especially for her parents, both of whom are on the Seneca Senate.
DOMINIC AMBROSIA “DOM” // SERC // Raised in New York, this bilingual biotechnology whiz, is intriguing, quietly intense and pretty guarded. He’s been in trouble in the past and chooses to maintain a low profile now. But that’s going to be tough, because he knows too much to stay quiet.
DOROTHY CAMPBELL “DORO” // SERC // Our rebel math genius, born and raised in the City of Angels, is curious, she’s got heart, and once she’s found a reason to use her gifted mind, she’s a force to be reckoned with. The girl also loves some good chilaqueles.
DR. ASHVIND KULKARNI // SOIL // MEDICAL // FIGURE-FLEX TRAVERSE LIMITED // Senecan MD often called upon by SOIL for top secret medical procedures.
DR. RENEE CAIRNCROSS // C-QNCE // A leading scientist in quantum consciousness studies and intelligence applications.
ELLEN MALONE // SENECA SENATE // SERC RECRUITER // TRAVERSE+ // She’s hard to read, knows all the right things to say, and has an incredibly magnetic presence when she walks into a room in her sharp metallic jacket pantsuit. This is why Ellen Malone has no problem drawing all the top recruits from the Aboves into SERC.
FRANK WALLINGSFORD // US CONGRESSMAN // SENECA SENATE CHAIR // TRAVERSE + // His charm is equal parts slick and strong. White teeth the color of coconut flesh are indeed an asset to the Virginia Congressman who leads a double life as a Seneca Senator.
G.W. WALLINGSFORD // SERC // TRAVERSE+ // Capitol Hill’s anti-Mojo Stick poster boy has made his fair share of bad decisions but has been given repeated ‘get out of jail free’ cards. He’s a constantly reforming wild child with the pressure of big shoes to fill-- those of his dad, Frank Wallingsford.
GIANCARLO // A key figure inside Hub 48, providing critical support to the resistance.
GREGORY ZAFFRON // SOIL // TRAVERSE+ // Former Navy Seal SOIL Agent with a taste for power and a ‘by any means necessary” kind of ‘tude. Can be creepily slick.
JADEL // SOIL // Afro-Brazilian operative who operates as a double (or potentially triple) agent, navigating shifting loyalties and personal conflicts.
JENNIFER WALLINGSFORD // SERC // TRAVERSE+ // The put-together and personable SERC scholar and daughter of Frank Wallingsford is privileged but polished and poised. She’s old money on the verge of qualifying as a tennis pro.
JOHNNY CAMPBELL // Doro’s mom always says Doro’s so much like her dad. And it’s true. They share curiosity, a love for adventure and of course an incredible gift in mathematics. He mysteriously went missing a few years back and there’s great reason that his absence is felt deeply by Doro and Layla.
JOSIE DENAULT // Anika’s partner exudes spirituality and warmth, and has the wealth of knowledge necessary to survive off the crops she tends on their farm.
JULIAN HOLLENBECK // B3 MEDIA // Was once a global media tycoon, until he found out he had a terminal cancer and took the option to join Seneca and start up the Senecan media offering.
KILLER THE BLACK POMERANIAN // A firecracker of a pup that belongs to Doro.
LAYLA CAMPBELL // She grew up in love with music, but also a great pragmatist, went to nursing school. Doro is everything to her, and though she’s been shattered since her husband went missing, she’s pushed through with great strength for the sake of her daughter.
LIEUTENANT MARCUS OTIS // SOIL // TRAVERSE+ // This guy knows things.
MAGNUS // SOIL // Handles admin of SERC scholars during top secret SOIL operations.
McKAYLA GORDON // SERC // TRAVERSE+ // Jennifer Wallingsford’s pesky, sarcastic, know-it-all sidekick. Has a thing for Dom.
MIKEY // SERC // TRAVERSE+ // G.W. Wallingsford’s beefcake buddy.
RICHMOND SHIELDS // SERC // The mysterious Seneca Civics and Ethics Session leader in SERC is young enough that he’s cool with all the kids, old enough that he’s got the wisdom they don’t.
TEDDY HOLLENBECK // ABOVES // Daughter of Julian Hollenbeck and the current head of Hollenbeck Media.
TIMOTHY REBA // SERC // A spunky and fun Intuarian. He holds his gift close to the vest and rightfully so, considering the pain it’s caused him in his past. He’s a prime example of ‘don’t mistake kindness for weakness.’
TY SAKAI // RESTAURANT DISTRICT // Sushi and Japanese cuisine chef phenom ran the most successful sushi franchise in the Aboves, and now has one of Seneca’s premiere restaurants. He’s a hardcore Michael Jackson fan and a trusted pal of Dom’s.
YOSHI HIGASHI // SERC // A robotics prodigy and former outcast who developed a robotic self-defense system in his youth.
Spoiler Alert *** Best if only referenced after reading the book ***
Aboves - Where life continues as usual on the surface of the planet
Acoustic Carrier - Super-speed method of transportation inside Seneca
Ascension dome - A gold aerogel encased vessel that carries people from the Aboves into Seneca and vice versa
Bee-bot Technology - Advanced robotic pollinators designed to sustain food production as Earth's natural ecosystems deteriorate
Big Bang Boom Media (B3) - Seneca’s media network, headed by former Aboves media tycoon, Julian Hollenbeck
Biological Nanorobotic Fusion Chamber (BioNan) - Medical machine that carries out tech-advanced procedures such as flexer implants and rapid cellular rejuvenation
BioNan - An outlawed yet highly advanced medical nanotechnology device used for human enhancement, often linked to ethical controversies
BoomJet - High-occupancy long distance flight craft 5x the speed of commercial jetliner
Claytor Lake - Entry to Seneca’s North Western Continent Computing Center
Cogniz-X - Injection that erases human memories from past 48 hours
Departers and Repairers - Opposing political factions within Seneca; Departers advocate for abandoning Earth in favor of Mars, while Repairers fight to restore Earth’s environment
FlexCore - A cutting-edge health and nutrition monitoring system, essential for survival in extreme conditions
Flexer - Personal communication and computing device constructed of shape shifting polymer
Flexer Implant - A fusion of flexer to spinal cord in order to use flexer from within human body
FlexOculi - A screen that wirelessly projects into the air from a flexer or FlexOculi implant
Great Falls, VA - Location of the Seneca North Western Continent entrance point to S.E.R.C.
Nanobots - Microscopic and almost-microscopic computing device
Necrolla Carne - Alleged flesh eating disease that all citizens of Seneca are vaccinated against
Operation Crystal - A classified Seneca mission tied to securing critical data with far-reaching consequences for human evolution
PFV (flighter) - A Personal Flight Vehicle
Quantum Entanglement – A scientific principle utilized in Seneca to establish real-time connections between brain activity and external data systems
S.E.R.C. - Seneca Education & Research Center
S.O.I.L. - Seneca Observation & Intelligence League
Seneca - Technologically-advanced utopian secret society
Senecan - A member of The Seneca Society (no longer a resident of their former nation in the Aboves)
Senecanomics Corporation - The “corporation” to which citizens of various countries assign company and patent rights & revenue before joining the Seneca Society
The Veil - An encrypted digital environment that stores all of a person's critical data and allows them to operate under the radar
Vigilogstimine - The antidote to Cogniz-X, capable of reversing memory suppression effects and restoring lost memories
Rayya Deeb began her career in television production, working with HBO, Comedy Central, and PBS. She then spent three years at Fred Roos Productions, gaining tremendous insights in character and script development. As a screenwriter, Rayya collaborated with top directors, actors, and producers, contributing to projects for Disney, Lions Gate, Escape Artists, and Golden Globe-winning filmmaker Hany Abu-Assad.
In 2016, Rayya published her debut novel, Seneca Rebel, followed by Seneca Element in 2019. Her trilogy concludes with Seneca Evolution, releasing in Spring of 2025. She also collaborated with Emmy-winning designers to expand The Seneca Society into a dynamic world exploring technology, consciousness, and humanity's future.
Born in London and raised in Northern Virginia, Rayya graduated from Virginia Tech. She now lives in Southern California with her husband, two daughters, and their awesome dog.
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